The simple way to think about what to put in a digital product is following the IKEA Manual Model. You know when you simply show the exact steps to do something.
This doesn’t sound bad, right?
The problem with this line of thinking is that when you’re building IKEA furniture there are no deviations. Everyone works with the same pieces and tools.
A person in Nebraska is going to put together the same shelving unit as someone in Sweden.
And you might be able to do this with your digital product if you’re teaching someone how to use a tool. For example, if you needed help in mastering Canva, then you know that everyone is working with the same interface.
This makes the process a lot easier.
But what if you’re teaching something that isn’t as straight forward, like raising chickens? Sure, you have a foundation of what you can teach, but there are some things with chickens that will come up that you might not be able to account for ahead of time.
And those are the things that you need to consider.
Let’s use an example.

It’s All In Your Head
Don’t worry, I hate that advice, but in this case it makes sense. Here’s what I mean.
There will be plenty of people that will visit this site and love the idea of creating a digital product and they’ll see how to do it.
But they won’t.
They’ll literally have all of the tools available to them, but they just won’t do it. Why?
Mindset. Mentality. Whatever is in their head is preventing them from taking action. But how do you account for that in a digital product?
Do I start it off with some lessons/chapters on mindset? Do I try to convince people from the very beginning that success happens in their head first before anywhere else?
That sounds like the logical thing to do but do you want to know the problem with that? Nobody wants to read about the mindset stuff!
They bought the product because it promised it can help them achieve a result and if they don’t feel like they are on that path then they’ll get discouraged.
But on the other hand, for those who can’t get over themselves it can be helpful to have that info somewhere in the product. Just something to think about.
The next point we are missing is where are they starting from?
What does that mean?
What’s Next: The Starting Point >>>>>