There are a lot of resources out there to teach you how to create a digital product. In fact, you can go on YouTube and find dozens of videos showing you.
And those are great in showing you how to use a tool to put together a product, but they don’t do a great job of showing what should be in the product.
Why people buy a product and end up loving it. Why they continue to come back to you and want more.
That’s what I’m going to show you in the Alchemist’s Notes.

Grab the PDF Version
If you’d like the PDF version of these notes then you can grab them here. It’s the same content, but in case you don’t have time right now to read through everything it’s a great resource.
It’s free and comes with an email guide to walk you through the important parts.
It Starts With a Promise
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the idea of a digital product.
- How much do you put in it?
- Can you put too much in it?
- What are people looking for?
And there is an easy way to answer these questions.
With a promise.
What do I mean?
When people buy something they do so with the idea that it will help them achieve a certain outcome and that’s it. They’re not looking for surprises. They’re not looking for anything that is hidden.
They just want the one outcome.
Think about it. When you buy a candy bar do you buy in the hopes that it helps you win the lottery? No.
You’re hungry and a candy bar looks good so what does the candy bar need to do to make it feel worth it? Satisfy your hunger and taste good.
That’s it.
And this is how you need to approach your digital products. What is the one promise that your digital product will make?
Or to ask another way what’s the one outcome it will help someone achieve?
Until you can answer that it’s pretty hard to put together a digital product that people will love.
What is the ONE THING you can guarantee that your product will help someone achieve?
What’s Next: Creating IKEA Manuals >>>>>